Page 683 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 683

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             15
                                MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking

                         Writing Clarity     The reflection is        The reflection is well-   The reflection is        The reflection is poorly   The reflection is
                         and Structure       exceptionally well-      written, with clear       adequately written, with  written, with unclear    extremely poorly
                                             written, with clear      organization and          some organization and    organization and          written, with no
                                             organization and         coherent structure.       structure. Ideas are     structure. Ideas are      apparent organization
                                             coherent structure.      Ideas are expressed       generally clear but may  disjointed or difficult to   or structure. Ideas are
                                             Ideas are expressed      clearly. There may be     lack cohesion. There     follow. There are         unclear or
                                             concisely and            minor errors in           are noticeable errors in   significant errors in   incomprehensible.
                                             effectively. Grammar,    grammar, spelling, or     grammar, spelling, or    grammar, spelling, or     There are numerous
                                             spelling, and            punctuation.              punctuation.             punctuation.              errors in grammar,
                                             punctuation are                                                                                       spelling, or punctuation.

                         Engagement with  The reflection              The reflection            The reflection           The reflection            The reflection shows no
                         Course Material     demonstrates a high      demonstrates a good       demonstrates some        demonstrates minimal      evidence of
                                             level of engagement      level of engagement       engagement with          engagement with           engagement with
                                             with course material,    with course material,     course material, but     course material. The      course material. The
                                             incorporating relevant   incorporating some        may lack integration of   student fails to         student fails to
                                             concepts, theories, and  relevant concepts,        relevant concepts,       incorporate relevant      incorporate any
                                             readings. The student    theories, and readings.   theories, or readings.   concepts, theories, or    relevant concepts,
                                             shows a thorough         The student shows a       The student's            readings. The student's  theories, or readings.
                                             understanding of the     solid understanding of    understanding of the     understanding of the      The student's
                                             course content.          the course content.       course content is        course content is         understanding of the
                                                                                                limited.                 lacking.                  course content is

                            Total Score

                              Legend             33-40 Excellent            25-32 Good                 17-24 Fair               9-16 Poor             8 Unsatisfactory



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