Page 15 - Litter Toolkit
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The Eco-Schools Seven Step Criteria
The ideal way to tackle the problem of litter is to go For more detailed Eco-Schools information please visit of possible actions will be highlighted. You will need to
through the Eco-Schools international ‘seven-step’ the Keep Wales Tidy website prioritise and record them in an action plan.
Litter Review and action planning You can use the Eco-Schools Action Plan template or
Form a committee to drive the litter campaign create your own.
forward, although committee members will not be To raise awareness of litter issues in your school you
responsible for carrying out all of the activities. Tasks will first need to do some investigation. Undertake a
can be delegated throughout the school and different Litter Review to highlight what your school is doing
classes or departments can take responsibility for well and what could be improved. Your findings can
specific sections. be used as evidence to inform and involve others, and
assist you in preparing your action plan.
Undertake an Environmental Review, to include
examining the school grounds, the school perimeters
and the local community. Litter and its impacts can Download an Anti-Litter Let’s go
also be researched as a global issue. Policy Template
From the investigation findings, pupils can discuss, Litter Policy
make decisions and decide on focused actions for
improvement, which must be recorded and monitored. Does your school have an ant-litter policy? If not,
Evaluating the activities enables pupils to measure why not put one in place, highlighting your aims and
and celebrate the impact of their work. Informing responsibilities.
and involving a wide range of participants, inside and
outside of the school, is most beneficial for raising Download a Litter Review
awareness, encouraging teamwork and a sense of Template Let’s go
ownership to the litter campaign.
Linking this work to the school curriculum will embed Action planning
environmental issues and litter actions could be
mentioned in your school’s Eco-Code. Once you have completed the Litter Review, a number