Page 16 - Litter Toolkit
P. 16
Developing your campaign
So, you’ve identified the issues; now it’s time to start to think about what messages will work for your target Could you develop a whole school competition to get
developing your behaviour change campaign. We want audience and which measures need to be put in place. people involved?
to change behaviour, because stopping people from Campaign names our schools have come up with
littering in the first place is the only sustainable way of include: give a hoot and don’t pollute; uptown junk; just Whatever your campaign idea, you want to keep it
making a difference. a litter bit; show a litter respect; put a bin on it; trash simple – maintaining a clear, consistent message
mob. throughout.
It is important that everybody knows that littering is
dangerous, unsightly and costly, and understand what
they can do to prevent it.
Who and what is the focus?
How are you going to measure success?
Positive reinforcement, education and working
When we try to change people’s behaviour, there are together are all key to changing behaviour.
some important things to think about. Remember that before your campaign is launched, you
Nudge activities can also be an effective way of must plan how it will be evaluated.
• The purpose of your campaign needs to be clear altering people’s behaviour, without forcing a particular
– what is the specific behaviour you want to focus action on them. It’s a way of getting people to do what Without assessing how successful your work has been,
on? you need them to do with a bit of subtle persuasion – you won’t know what to continue doing and what needs
• Who is your audience? What’s stopping them from making a certain behaviour the easiest choice to take, to be changed to improve things in the future.
disposing of their litter responsibly and how can without removing the alternatives. For example, a
you address this? healthy eating nudge would be to place healthy options
at eye level in a shop or at the front of your school’s
You’ll see different examples of nudge techniques used
What’s your message? by schools throughout the Toolkit. Can you think of
simple interventions which would ‘nudge’ people into
disposing of their litter responsibly? What would help
When you’ve considered these things, you can begin people realise that binning is the normal thing to do? continued over...