Page 4 - Eco-Schools Newsletter Autumn One - English
P. 4

Seagrass around the World

        Many of us know the vital role of forests in absorbing carbon dioxide, keeping

        our climate steady and providing precious habitats for the world’s biodiversity.

        But have  you  heard of another remarkable carbon  capturing eco-system

                                      hidden away beneath the waves?

          This genus, which only occupies                     Seagrass forms green, blade like
        0.2% of the ocean floor, is                           leaves, that create underwater

        impressively outpacing terrestrial                    gardens teeming with biodiversity.
        forests in carbon capture. It stores                  This unique plant supports many

        blue carbon a whopping 35 times                       life forms, including anemones,
        faster than a tropical rainforest                     molluscs, young fish, and algae;

        and accounts for 10% of the entire                    and in the UK, two native species of
        ocean’s carbon reserves.                              seahorses, and a rare type of jelly

        Growing in shallow, sheltered, and                    fish.
        often tidal areas, along coastlines,                  Not only does it support a huge

        exists large, dense meadows of                        range of species, but due to its

        seagrass.                                             root system, which grows into the

        Seagrass is a plant, the only                         seabed, securing and stabilising

        underwater plant to grow                              it, seagrass also helps to prevent
        roots, flowers, pollinate and                         coastal erosion.

        photosynthesise; all whilst living
        happily submerged in saltwater.
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