Page 7 - Eco-Schools Newsletter Autumn One - English
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Restoring habitats
Managing underwater habitats is Restoration projects are also
tough, but ongoing research and underway, with organisations such
conservation projects are learning as The Wildlife Trust and Project
about seagrass and educating Seagrass teaming up with scientists
marine users to protect it. This and volunteers to collect seeds
includes promoting line fishing and and cultivate new growing sites,
updating mooring and anchoring restoring old meadows and creating
systems. new seagrass beds where they
haven’t been recorded for decades.
How we can help?
On a more personal level, it may feel What if you don’t live in a coastal
like there isn’t much you can do, but area? Remember that the sea starts
that’s not the case; ‘The Seagrass in your house. What goes down your
Spotter’ project has been created drains, will end up going into the
by Project Seagrass (in association ocean.
with Cardiff University and Swansea Consider the types of cleaning
University) and encourages all products and waste that may go
members of the public to get down your drains and the impact
involved with spotting and recording that could be had at the other end.
seagrass. You can also use your newfound
This means instead of a handful of knowledge to educate your friends
scientists studying seagrass, there and family about this incredible
is the potential for thousands of species, let’s spread the seagrass
‘citizen scientists’, to play a part. buzz this year!
Will you help by becoming a citizen