Page 11 - Eco-Schools Newsletter Autumn One - English
P. 11
Ocean Cleanup
A 15-year-old named Boyan Slat
first learned about the plastic in
the oceans when he was diving in
Greece. He was shocked to find so
much plastic and, when he looked
into the scale of the problem,
wondered why nothing was being
done to clean it up.
He started to design a system that There are now ten River Interceptors
would use the ocean currents to collecting rubbish that would
bring the plastic to a floating clean- normally enter the oceans from
up system and this was the spark of some of the most polluted rivers
Ocean Cleanup. in the World. 80% of ocean plastic
Today the Ocean Cleanup is comes from land-based sources
successfully operating in the Pacific so stopping it before it enters the
Ocean, using the ocean currents ocean is incredibly important.
to gather and extract the plastic.
This is being scaled up to be nearly
2000m long and will eventually have
multiple locations in the ocean.
Many of the global solutions to the climate and biodiversity crises have been
developed from wild imaginations and some fantastical ideas. We know that
young people have limitless imaginations and brilliant ideas!
We invite you to share any of your inventions, pictures, designs, and visions
of solutions for a sustainable future.
We would love to share them in our next newsletter so please get creative
and send them over to us!