Page 17 - February 2021 Track N Times
P. 17
Barricades by Kyle Wesley Assistant Manager, Specialized Maintenance
Barricades are used for a variety of conditions, they may be diverting traffic, they may be blocking a road that is not
safe for travel, they may be used to warn of men and equipment working or they may be in front of a bathroom
door that is being serviced. One thing is for sure, when you see a barricade you know they are there for a rea-
son… To keep something or someone out of that area.
If you have visited the 1550 building recently, you may notice barricades setup restricting access to an area of the
building. Why might you ask? During a recent RCCA of a forklift incident, it was determined that one of the con-
tributing factors was a vehicle drove in and parked in the area where the crew was loading a truck. Not only is this
unsafe, it can disrupt the crews 5-step plan as well as cause unnecessary congestion during loading and unloading
operations. By utilizing barricades, we can prevent vehicles or employees from entering the work site. This will also
help eliminate the hazards that they may create or hazards that might impact them.
So the next time you visit the 1550 building and see barricades up, they are there for a reason. It is an active work
site. Please don’t drive around them. If you need to get through the area or closer to the bay door, find the Super-
visor who blocked off the work site and confirm if you can enter or when they might be finished. This simple step
will keep you as well as the crew working safely.
Page 15 FEBRUARY 2021