Page 14 - May 2022 Track N Times
P. 14
Spotlight—Robert Dehart
How do you pass time when you get a day off?
It really depends on the area we are in. I like walking around small towns or going to a local zoo, or something of
that nature.
What has been your favorite city you have been to while working at Loram and why?
Acayucan, Mexico. I liked the area, the people and the scenery.
What is your favorite restaurant on the road and why?
There is always a local eatery, a diamond in the ruff.
What are some of the things you enjoy the most about your work?
Traveling and seeing new areas.
Which historical figure would you most like to meet and why?
Herodotus (Greek historian). I’ve always had a thing for history and he is know as the Father of History.
Have you ever met anyone famous? If yes, who?
George Clooney!
What is one thing you’re really bad at?
Math of any type.
What is one thing you’re really good at?
Organizing and making more room.
VOLUME 3 : ISSUE 4 Page 12