Page 11 - March 2021 Track N Times
P. 11
Spotlight Slot/SPS Operations
This month’s spotlight is on Tarance Marshall. He is a Superintendent with the Slot/SPS
Operations. He joined GREX on March 24, 2014.
Tell us a little bit about the different jobs you’ve held while
working at GREX prior to becoming a Superintendent. I
started with GREX as an operating technician and held that role
for roughly four years. After the merger with Loram I was hired
for the newly created position of field safety specialist. In August
of 2019 the position of Assistant Manager of SLOT/SPS became
available and I felt that I needed more in my career. I was hired
as the Assistant Manager in August and am now Superintendent
with the Loram team.
What is your favorite thing about your current position? My
favorite thing of this job is the daily challenges that can arise. I
also enjoy getting to personally know operators and having the
sense of team.
What’s the best advice you were ever given and who was it
from? My stepfather told me to live each day as if it was going to
be my last and always treat people as you would want to be
What advice would you give to a new employee? Learn, listen, ask questions. These steps are a must to make yourself
what you desire to be. Also ensure that you make your happiness a priority, smile and be courteous to other employees.
Do you have a favorite location you’ve been to while working and if so why? My favorite area to work would be the
Seattle, WA area. You can have the ocean life, city life and you are just a short drive from the mountains.
What’s your favorite memory from this past year at work? I have several, but just being able to see operators in the
field and being able to set work and personal time apart. You meet so many good people and learn their backgrounds and
about their families.
Where is your hometown and what is the best thing about it? Norton, VA. It is a small town with a small-town feel,
nestled in the middle of the mountains.
What do you miss most when you’re away from home? My wife and kids for sure, they are the reason I am here.
What do you like to do when you are on time off? I enjoy playing golf, but most of all chasing my children around watch-
ing them compete in the sports they love.
Do you have any hobbies? I enjoy golf and watching sports.
Continued Page 11
Page 9 MARCH 2021