Page 9 - March 2021 Track N Times
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                                                         Operational Excellence Coins

           Aleksei Novak, Maintenance Superintendent RG406 was nominated by Sam
           Madsen for his February General Recognition Coin

          Alex is being presented my Operational Excellence Coin for his outstanding job in maintaining RG406 and for get-
          ting all the other everyday items done. He puts in flight requests, gets fuel arranged and schedules freight delivery.
          Alex lives he ICARE values. He takes pride in his ability to get things fixed and in getting his crew to be able to do
          the same. He is always looking for ways to get things fixed without spending too much money. If he can fix it and
          not throw it away, he will. If the fix does not make it safe to use, he gets rid of it and replaces it with new. If there is
          a less expensive way to do something, he will ask to make sure that it is allowed. Alex is known to shop around un-
          til he locates the parts he needs if the warehouse can’t get it. Alex is a very knowledgeable Maintenance Superinten-
          dent and can trouble shoot most any problem on the machine. He has a can-do attitude. Alex is always on the move
          checking on his crew and inspecting the machine to see what else needs attention.

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