Page 4 - March 2022 Track N Times
P. 4
It Is OK to Not Be OK (Continued)
Although I could not send him home to be with his family, we had a nice discussion and hopeful he felt we are empath-
ic to his situation and very appreciative of his sacrifice of working in the field. We talked through the workplace chal-
lenges and provided some guidance on how to proceed.
This story emphasizes that all team members have an opportunity to lose focus on their work due to stress and we as
a team need to reach out to others when we notice others are not focused on the job at hand. This employee truly is
one of the best in Loram’s Family and proudly exemplifies ICARE values in his daily work, but even the best of our
employees need a sympathetic ear to talk through difficult situations.
When team members are struggling, it is important to respond with empathy, offer support, and encourage others to
seek help. Share personal experiences with others to help reduce the stigma of managing stress and combating mental
health concerns and workplace stress, when appropriate. In general, be open minded about experiences, challenges,
and the feelings of your colleagues.
Everyone plays a role in supporting a healthy work environment. Some simple steps to ensure our teams are success-
ful and reduce workplace stress include making new hires feel welcome, create a positive on-boarding experience,
provide adequate training, empower employees to ask questions, ensure employees self-advocate, and make employ-
ees part of the decision that affect the job at hand. Additionally, we need to ensure on-boarding occurs when team
members take on new roles as their careers grow.
From a high level, it is our responsibility:
Create and sustain a safe, supportive and productive environment
• Encourage and assist team members being successful in their jobs
• Treat all employees fairly
• Act in a professional manner that does not demean or label employees
• Consult with your supervisor, manager, or administrative expert when potential problems arise.
It is NOT your responsibility to:
• Diagnose mental health problems
• Provide psychological counseling or therapy to employees
• Have all the answers.
Loram’s Because I Care Safety Culture extends beyond the risk of
a physical injury. If you notice yourself or team members experi-
encing burnout, stress, or anxiety, make sure necessary steps are
taken to manage the situation. A simple conversation to ask if
someone is OK when they do not seem themselves is very im-
portant step to ensure we have a healthy work environment. If
you or a team member need additional assistance and are unsure
where to seek help, Loram’s benefits offer a free, confidential help
line called LifeMatters Services in North America. For more in-
formation, call 1-800-634-6433 or visit — pass-
word LORAM1.
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Volume 3 : Issue 2