Page 9 - March 2022 Track N Times
P. 9
Pictured above: Kevin Burton, VP Fleet Operations, James (Matt) Bradford, Mainte-
nance Superintendent and Scott Diercks, Director Rail Grinding
Congratulations William Pierce, Crew Chief DC6 Operational Excellence Coins
for being recognized with an Operational Excel-
lence Coin in February by Tyler Beebe, Manager,
Ballast & Grade!
I would like to nominate Will Pierce for my February Opera-
tional Excellence coin. Will really took a hands-on approach
with his machine and helped train a new proficient operator.
Will had great interactions with senior Union Pacific and Lo-
ram employees. Will took initiative to make sure machine
was ran safely and efficiently while superintendent was on
time off. Will has shown excellent leadership to start the
Page 7 MARCH 2022