Page 5 - March 2022 Track N Times
P. 5
Lockout / Tagout
By, John Westby, Associate Environmental Health and Safety Specialist
Proper Lockout/Tagout practices and procedures safeguard workers from
hazardous energy releases. LOTO’s main concept is the removal of all energy
from a machine being serviced, not just what makes the machine move. Lo-
ram has specific procedures and policies in place to reenforce these best
practices. Lockout/Tagout is not a choice, it is REQUIRED!
While Lockout/Tagout can be completed in multiple ways, here at Loram we
utilize the lock out method over the tag out method. This is due to the firm-
er nature of the locks which prevent tampering. Per OSHA regulations, every
employee should have a lock that is uniformly recognizable as a Lockout/
Tagout lock and is provided by their employer. This can be by color, shape,
or size. This is vitally important so that an employee can quickly recognize
when a system is locked out. Communicating with your team when you place
a Lockout/Tagout device should always be the first step to the procedure. If you see a lock out lock or a tag out
tag that you did not place it is against OSHA and Loram regulations to remove, bypass, or ignore. Only the em-
ployee who placed the lock should have access to the key to prevent premature removal. This could mean life or
death for the employee who placed the device.
Even though it is not often the quickest process to lockout the energy system of a device before working on it; do-
ing so could prevent the injury or the loss of fingers, hands, or worse. Due to its importance, Loram has made it a
part of both the Life Changing Decisions and In-Gaged programs. Along with direct references to Lockout/Tagout
in both of those programs, Lockout/Tag out can be found in Loram’s Hand Safety Standard (Don’t Lose Your Dig-
its), Electrical Safety, and should be reported in the 5-Step. Lockout/Tagout should be a critical step in any mainte-
nance procedure, it is not worth injury or death to save the extra minutes it takes to lockout an energy system.
Have a safe and productive week.
Page 3 MARCH 2022