Page 8 - March 2022 Track N Times
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               Operational Excellence Vice President Coin 2021

             Congratulations  are  in  order
             for one of our colleagues!

            James “Matt” Bradford is the recipient of the 2021 Vice Presidential Coin for Operational

            Matt, I want to Congratulate and thank you again for demonstrating our Operational Excellence Strategy as you
            executed your role as Maintenance Superintendent, RG417.  Maintenance roles can sometimes be overlooked by
            those observing an operation from afar.  In this case, the effort you led to ensure the readiness of 417 for Mr.
            Trower, Superintendent, 417, and the operating crew was first class.  The impact of your leadership and commit-
            ment to our CORE values were critical in delivering our customer with a record setting grinding program led by
            Zero injuries and followed up with best-in-class reliability and record productivity.  The perfect trifecta!

            Your peers attribute your success, in part, to being a strong leader of people and teammate.  Your steadfast com-
            mitment to getting the job done safely while maintaining a results-oriented attitude are just a few of the other
            common comments your peers shared about you.

            Along with all the other 2021 Challenge Coin recipients, your name will be memorialized on the 2021 Challenge
            Coin Recognition Plaque displayed outside the Operations Control Center in Hamel. These historical plaques con-
            tain the only duplicate copies of the coins for that year and will continue to be proudly displayed as a collection
            acknowledging all of your accomplishments!

            As a fellow people leader, I want to reinforce my sincere appreciation for all your effort and dedication to Loram
            and our Fleet Operations team!  Well done and well deserved.

            Great job Mr. Bradford!

            Kevin Burton I Vice President of Operations

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