Page 13 - March 2022 Track N Times
P. 13

Willie White Jr.,

         Superintendent, RV4

         Tell  me  a  little  more  about  how  you  started
         with Loram, how did you hear about the job,
         which positions you’ve held?

         It all started with a life changing decision of finding
         a new career in life. I was in a dead end job and I
         needed to escape.   I started from new hire and
         slowly made my way up the ranks to superinten-
         dent.  Working  on  machines  RV17,  RV14,  RV7,
         RV6, RV1, RV4, RV3, BC8, UC1201.

         What do you enjoy most about working at Lo-
         I  enjoy  the  challenges  most  of  all,  every  day  it’s
         something new.  No day is the same as the next,
         or the last.  The freedom of planning maintenance
         schedules,  overhauls, rebuilds etc.  I always have
         enjoyed  working  with  my  hands.    Taking  things
         apart and see how they work, the way you have to
         challenge yourself to make deadlines. It is a feeling
         of accomplishment.

         What  is  your  favorite  memory  from  this  past
         My favorite was working along side Sheldon Lucas,     Pictured above L to R:  Willy White and Sheldon Lucas
         he has retired now.   But the knowledge I learned
         from  him  after  15  years of  service  has  not  been
         taken for granted, it truly was a pleasure and a privilege working beside him.  Not only did Sheldon give me a
         deep lesson in old school tips and tricks.  He also showed me better money management ideas for setting your-
         self up better in the golden years.  He definitely knew his stuff because he retired and bought a bar (cash).  So,
         this memory is one I will take with me for the rest of my life.

         Where is your hometown and what is the best thing about it?
         Georgiana, AL is my hometown.   Best thing about it, it’s the place I met my beautiful wife and started a family.
         Also, the bass fishing is some of the best in the state.

         Do you have any hobbies?  What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re on time off?
         FISHING!!!! It is the only hobby there is.

                                                                                               Continued Pg. 12

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