Page 14 - March 2022 Track N Times
P. 14
Spotlight—Willie White
What is something about yourself that would surprise your coworkers?
I love Food Network and cooking. I have BBQ and ‘kiss the cook’ sandals with a matching apron.
What is the biggest challenge you face on the road and how does it affect your life? How do you
deal with it?
I enjoy my job and the challenges that come with it. So, I can’t really say I have found a challenge so far.
What is the best advice anyone has given you, and who was it from?
Never be afraid to make mistakes, they only make you stronger. From my brother the late great Edrick
What advice would you give a new employee at Loram?
Don’t be afraid the step of out your comfort zone.
How do you pass time when you get a day off?
Watching Food Network and trying new recipes and fishing.
Volume 3 : Issue 2 Page 12