Page 3 - December 2021 Track N Times
P. 3
Turning The Corner Versus Turning the Page?
By: Kevin Burton, VP Fleet Operations
Turning the corner versus turning the page—these phrases are both popular and relevant to our busi-
ness as well as our personal lives with very different meanings.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Turn the corner like this: to get past the most difficult area or peri-
od in something and begin to improve. Reflecting back to the beginning of 2020, I think we can all agree that
there have been several turning points we can consider falling into this definition. In fact, the nature of these
points in time have become closely linked and effected both our personal and professional lives more than many
of us have ever experienced.
Politics, COVID, and social issues have all seemingly become merged in some form or fashion to a de-
gree that is far more prevalent than we’ve seen prior to this generation. The impact has divided houses, dis-
rupted industries, changed lives, and moved the needle on what the new normal is or may be in the future.
We at Loram have certainly had our fair share of turn the corner events during the same period. Some
would even suggest that for every positive corner turning event we had, we faced yet another hurdle to over-
come. Truth be told, that’s how life works. The constant pulse that beats at Loram and keeps us going, comes
from us, the people. It’s how we work together, roll up our sleeves, and drive to achieve success that speaks to
our can-do culture. A culture led by our core values inspired by our vision and mission statements and the be-
lief that together we can accomplish anything we put our mind to.
Now I know that last sentence sounds a little bit like motherhood and apple pie but stop and think
about that for a minute. How many times over the past two years have we been faced with the uncertainty of
COVID lock downs, mask and vaccination mandates, supply chain shortages, etc. Yet here we are. We’re still
going and continue to strive for success as we manage each new hurdle exposed at each corner we turn.