Page 8 - December 2021 Track N Times
P. 8
Employee Recognition Long Service Recipients Continued
Employee Years of Service Employee - Office Years of Service
Dhaval Daftari 26 Ralph Spicer 36 Wade Sprengeler 11
Jeffrey Stone 25 William Walls 36 Charles Rudeen 11
Thomas Schwertner 21 Peter Hauer 36 Christopher Pearce 11
Guadalupe Trevino 16 Paul Hettinger 35 Emily Savaria 11
Charles Aaron 16 Ray Johnson 35 Andrew Leibel 11
David Rozacky 15 Sammy Madsen 35 Keith Wagner 11
John Kainer 15 David Huebner 31 Jeffrey Smith 11
Timothy Peterson 11 Richard Krueger 31 James Collins 11
Kelli Sweeney 11 Rebecca Spear 31 Christopher Lidberg 11
Sarah Northenscold 11 Rebecca Stabnow 31 David Badger 11
Willie Fields 10 John Costello 31 James Lundgren 11
John Ford-Coates 10 Michael Garcia 30 Ryan Steffan 11
Brian Anderson 10 Kathe Matthews 26 Matthew Rossing 11
Jonathan Cooley 10 David Arthur 26 Drew Peterson 11
Gregory Grissom 10 Jason Quast 26 Kenneth Adair 10
Chasity Pahach 10 Jeffrey Leadstrom 25 Kelsey Smith 10
James Gantzer 6 Jon Behrens 25 Joshua Hollinger 10
Terry Stanford 6 Brian Giop 25 Donald Wachter 10
Logan Gorsich 6 Timothy Mingus 25 Mackenzie Mendez 10
Austin Price 6 Denis Zilmer 25 Karen Wilkinson 10
Brian Roston 6 Charlie Permelia 21 Wen Xu 10
Christal Cummings 6 Douglas Taylor 21 Christopher Locke 10
Darius Johnson 6 Nicole Hallin 21 David Nelson 10
Daniel Hensley 6 Andrew Tompkins 20 Scott LaDean 10
Matthew Pope 6 Brenda Skare 20 Stacy Miska 6
Shannon Parrott 6 Gary Kohnert 20 Graham Rose 6
Destinie Bierbower 6 Marc Hackett 20 Samantha Kunde 6
Ryan Skar 6 Scott Barthel 16 Alexa Sornsen 6
Adam Niewoehner 6 Bobbie Ottoson 16 Travis Jordan 6
Leslie Davis 6 Eric Erfourth 16 Adam Joslin 5
David Anderson 5 Katya Stanoev 15 Cynthia Beecham 5
Zackary Hundelt 5 Timothy Murphy 15 Molly Ryan 5
Jason Dykes 5 Carol Schlenz 15 Susan Bobb 5
Jason Moczygemba 5 Franco Fanucci 15 Kayla Zavala 5
Damien Lawson 5 Dawn Nelson 15 Daniel Leverentz 5
John Williams 5 Martin Cyrway 15 Leighton Gjelhaug 5
Kevin Burton 15 Nicholas Monitor 5
Gene Eshelman 15 Tenzin Passang 5
Donald Dougherty 5
Volume 2 : Issue 11 Page 6