Page 53 - The Five Forces of Everything
P. 53


       ‘Eco-anxiety’ is a new term described by Psychology
 In 2017, the American Psychiatric
 Association found that among 1,000   Today  as  “a  fairly  recent  psychological  disorder
 U.S.  residents, nearly two  thirds
 were  extremely  or somewhat   afflicting an increasing number of individuals who
 anxious about  health  and  safety
 for themselves and their families   worry about our environmental crisis”.
 – with more than a third claiming
 to feel more anxious  compared   Meanwhile, The Guardian newspaper recently described the forces driving
 with the year before. Millennials   us towards plant  milk  as “a  manifestation  of collective  anxiety  that
 emerged  as the  most anxious   something is wrong with our bodies. That we aren’t as healthy and happy
 generation.  as we could be – or perhaps, should be – and something, or someone, must
       be to blame.”
 In  2019,  the  Gallup  Global
 Emotions Report  observed humanity  becoming  more   Such  uncertainty,  continuously  fed  by  political  and  societal  discourse,
 anxious and more angry. In terms of positivity, the U.S.   climate change, personal security and health concerns, is weighing down
 was  ranked  39th  and  the U.K.  46th.  Latin American  countries   on people’s shoulders. Some say we’re entering a global sleep crisis.
 reported most positivity, reflecting a cultural tendency to focus on the
 bright side.  Of  course, reported  feelings of  anxiety  do not equate  to a medical

       diagnosis, but these observations do reflect a population that feels much
 It’s no wonder then that there are   less certain about the future.
 now over  70  million prescriptions
 for  antidepressants  in  England  –
 double the number from 2008.

 What’s going on?

 It  seems  that  our unprecedented
 access to information is creating a
 dilemma. The more we know, the
 more worried we become. Whether
 it’s a self-diagnosis by Dr Google or
 powerful new evidence  on
 the plight of Mother Earth.

 As the saying goes, ignorance
 can be bliss.

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 FORCE #4                                            OBSERVATIONS | IMPLICATIONS | ILLUSTRATIONS
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