Page 57 - The Five Forces of Everything
P. 57


 Halcyon Days

 In  times  of  uncertainty,  people
 gravitate towards simpler pleasures
 – like those that evoke memories of

 Suggestions include sugar-laden
 flavors  like  cereal  milk,  birthday
 cake, cookie dough, pumpkin rice,
 maple, eggnog and caramel apple
 – all with a visual appeal that is
 perfect for social media.
       Make Rituals                         Little Gestures

 Left: Mystical characters such as unicorns offer respite
 to the daily grind.  Develop more immersive products   Generation  Z want  to make  a
       with  complex construction  that    positive difference in these times
       demand  to  be  savored.  Texture   of uncertainty. So, how can your
       can be highly effective here!       brand offer shortcuts to altruism?

       Keep It Simple

       In a noisy world, less is
 Calm Down  more. Clear and clutter
 Explore ingredients associated   makes consumer choices
 with calm. From chamomile,   easier  is being adopted
 lime  flower  and  valerian.   by many manufacturers.
 Aroma is said to be the most   Kettle  Chips  do this
 powerful  way  to  fire  an   particularly well.
 emotional response.

 Left: PYPR is  a beverage made  with  natural
 phytonutrients such as Lemon Balm to create
 ‘mood enhancement’.
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 FORCE #4                                            OBSERVATIONS | IMPLICATIONS | ILLUSTRATIONS
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