Page 68 - The Five Forces of Everything
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                                                                                           Extreme Competition
       People  must  reluctantly  accept  that
       governments  cannot  fully support                                                  In  China,  competitiveness  is about  to  explode.  By  2020,  China’s
       them into old age. Not least because                                                integrated  social credit  system  will issue  everyone  with  a  Citizen
       the population is aging dramatically in                                             Score. The score will be calculated from what an individual consumes,
       most developed countries. This reality                                              where  they  shop, where  they  travel,  who they  are  friends with,
       is pushing people to take more control                                              whether they pay their bills on time. It is thought that a lower score
       over  their  lives – asserting  greater                                             might result in a lower ranking on dating sites, restricted access to
       self-suffi  ciency and self-care.                                                   restaurants and even travel bans. A higher score could activate VIP
                                                                                           check-ins, discounts at hotels or insurance policies.
       In terms of sheer numbers, the United
       Nations estimates that the human race                                               This prospect may alarm many people in the West, but status is very
       will be 9.8 billion strong by 2050 – 2.2                                            important to Chinese people who already account for 33% of global
       billion more than today. Not just more                                              luxury purchasing*, so this new system is likely to be welcomed by
       pressure on infrastructure, but also on                                             many as a way to proudly display their social standing.
       individuals with an increasing need to
       stand out from the crowd.                                                           Power and Control
                                                                                           For product development, consider
       The impact on consumer sentiment is nicely captured by one U.K. shopper:            how you can help someone shine.
       “Everything is about being the best you can be, so when you see something           In India, where the young workforce
       that is the best, that’s the one you want.”                                         is particularly competitive, one  man
                                                                                           told us that he would not hesitate
                                         For healthy eating, it’s no longer about          to “defeat”  his friends in a work
                                         restriction. People want products that            environment.  This is exactly why
                                         talk about what’s included in them.               AXE advertizes its deodorant under
                                         The protein trend has been a very                 the  heading  ‘Don’t  Fade  Away’,
                                         visible example of this.                          and why laundry brands promise      Danone is helping people to activate, balance
                                                                                                                               and recharge.
                                                                                           brighter, whiter shirts.
                                         For personal  care,  it  means  that
                                         ‘anti-aging’   is   shifting  towards             So, consider innovation platforms that help people feel more powerful
                                         ‘youthful  aging’,  as more young                 and  in  control of  their  destiny.  Platforms  around  mental  alertness,
                                         people  adopt  preventative  aging                physical resilience and skin radiance are a few of the endless possibilities.
                                         strategies. It’s a narrative that extends
                                         category appeal to Generation Z, who              We predict an increase in product launches in this space and urge
                                         are  eager  to preserve their  ‘visual            manufacturers to consider unlocking the sensory power packaging and
          High protein yogurt. Creating superheroes.
                                         assets’ across social media.                      products to drive home the perceived effi  cacy of the proposition.

                                                                                           *Observed by Bain Consulting 2018
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       FORCE #5                                                                                                                          OBSERVATIONS | IMPLICATIONS | ILLUSTRATIONS
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