Page 72 - The Five Forces of Everything
P. 72


                                      THE ENERGY CRISIS                                    Besides small insurgents, global players are also maneuvering towards
                                                                                           cleaner energy sources. Mondelēz observes that snacks made from nuts
                                                                                           and seeds are  growing rapidly. PepsiCo is partnering with brands like Gryo,
                               TOWARDS CLEANER SOLUTIONS                                   off ering plant and insect-based energy solutions. Unilever recently signaled
                                                                                           its faith in cleaner energy with the acquisition of Graze snacks, too.
                    A recent survey* of over 17,000 consumers across 23 countries
                   observed that ‘energy levels’ is one of today’s biggest health          With rising levels of concern about sugar, innovation in the clean energy
               concerns, replacing ‘weight’ at the top spot in many geographies,           space  could be  very lucrative.  To succeed,  products  must  not  only be
               including Europe.                                                           liked, they must deliver effi  cacy that is felt - with built in sensory signals
                                                                                           that convince consumers the proposition is working.
       With  people  moving  away  from  artifi cial  foods,  and  even  talk  of  new
       regulations for the sale of traditional energy drinks, manufacturers are            Only the fi ttest survive, after all.
       increasingly looking towards more natural energy sources in a range of
       diff erent formats.                                                                 *Observed by Royal DSM, May 2019

       One  result  is K2VITAL Energy Sports Gel,  which  signals
       superior  absorption  and  effi  cacy  versus  traditional  food

       CLIF now markets organic energy food in pouches - a format
       that underlines its athletic credentials.

       Meanwhile in Denver, Colorado, Patterbar is a brand that doesn’t want to
       have to tell its customers what an isotope is. It bases its energy proposition
       on nuts and seeds, with ingredients such as organic virgin coconut oil,
       gluten-free oats, organic fl ax seeds, ancient wholegrains, fresh ginger and
       sweeteners from fruit only.
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       FORCE #5                                                                                                                          OBSERVATIONS | IMPLICATIONS | ILLUSTRATIONS
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