Page 10 - La Diablesse on the River Bank
P. 10

La Diablesse on the River Bank

         Sherry screamed, ‘’Lord Jesus!’’ and ran as fast as

         Usain  Bolt,  leaving  the  clothes  behind.  When  she
         got home she told her mother what she saw, and

         her mother felt sad for her actions of sending her

         all alone to the river.

         That same night, they went to their Pastor to pray
         for the Lord to forgive them. Sherry and Mrs Rose

         went to spread the news of a demon in the river.

         Everyone was scared and decided to give their life

         to  God,  and  now  they  understood  that  what  the

         pastor  was  trying  to  tell  them  was  true.  They  all
         believed  that  the  demon  had  also  taken  the


         The next week, the Pastor went down to the river

         to  look  for  the  demon  and  saw  that  it  was  a
         La Diablesse. He said, “You going back to the hole

         wey you come from.” Then he started to pray and,

         just like that, the La Diablesse disappeared, never

         to  be  seen  again.  From  that  day  no  La  Diablesse

         ever troubled the Pastor and his villagers again.

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