Page 9 - We are One
P. 9

We Are One

         Isabella  turned  her  gaze  toward  the  brown  clock

         positioned over the chalkboard. It was just 8:15 am

         but she stared at the clock, willing it to go faster.
         The scent of the floral perfume enveloped

         the room as Mrs James entered.

         This was her trademark. You can always smell her

         before  you  see  her.  With  a  beaming  smile,  she
         greeted the class. “Good morning my dears, I hope

         we are all ok today” she remarked, “First, I want to

         see  all  your  completed  homework.”  She  started

         with the first row.

         “Great job Tony!” she shouted as she looked at his

         notebook.  Then  it  was  Jayden’s  turn.  As  she

         examined  Jayden’s  homework,  her  eyebrows

         literally  climbed  up  to  meet  her  hairline  and  she

         asked,  “Jayden,  what  is  this?”  He  shrugged  his
         shoulders. “Jayden, why did you not even attempt

         the homework?”

         “Miss, I don’t know how to do it,” he managed.

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