Page 70 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 70
Bibliography (3 marks)
(A well-organised bibliography in appropriate format including all 3
relevant details) 2
Bibliography is well organised, in appropriate format and includes
all relevant details (2 marks)
Bibliography is fairly well organised, in appropriate format and 1
includes some relevant details
Bibliography is poorly organised, format is not appropriate and
includes few relevant details
Communication of Information
Information is communicated in a logical way using correct grammar
Information is communicated in a fairly satisfactory way but with
several grammatical errors
Private candidates will be required to write Papers 01, 02 and 032. Paper 032 takes the form of a
written examination which is taken at the end of the academic year, and tests similar skills and abilities
as required in Paper 031. Paper 032 will consist of three questions and will require candidates to
1. Understanding of basic concepts and theories in Financial Services.
2. Familiarity with Caribbean financial issues.
3. Knowledge of the design of a research project, including sample selection/other methods of
selection of subjects, data collection and analysis of data.
UNIT 1 and UNIT 2
Paper 032 (1 hour 30 minutes – 20 per cent of Total Assessment)
1. Composition of Paper
(a) This paper consists of three questions testing all Modules in the Unit.
(b) Candidates are required to answer all questions.
CXC A38/U2/16 65