Page 5 - Yield Not to Temptation
P. 5

Yield Not to Temptation
          telling me to do this.  I knew better; however, I sat

          there  asking  myself  what  to  do.    Should  I  allow

          the temptation to take me over? At that moment

          my  mother’s  voice  echoed  in  my  head  saying,

          “Ereacka, do not play with matches, please.  They
          are not safe to play with.”

          These  words  kept  on  playing  in  my  head  like  a

          broken recorder over and over again.  I tried my

          best  not  to  listen  to  them.  I  tried  to  find
          something  to  do.    But  all  of  my  regular  games

          needed someone else to play with and I was

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