Page 9 - Yield Not to Temptation
P. 9

Yield Not to Temptation

         My  mother  and  father  burst  open  the  bedroom

         door.  They  moved  me  out  of  the  way.    Then,  my

         dad  went  outside  to  look  for  the  hose  and  my
         mom started filling a pot with water to put out the

         fire.  My  father  aimed  the  hose  through  the

         window  and  started  flooding  my  bed  with  even

         more water.

         I was scared and crying.  Finally, they put the  fire
         out.  My bed was ruined.  The clothes I had used to

         try  to  put  the  fire  out  were  completely  burned.

         After  they  had  finally  put  out  the  fire,  they  made

         sure I wasn’t hurt.

         My mother said, “Ereacka, I am disappointed in you
         because  I  had  warned  you  not  to  play  with

         matches. I hope you understand why I told you not

         to  play  with  them.  You  are  lucky  that  the  fire  did

         not do further damage and that no one was hurt.”

         I hung my head in shame.  I learned that it really

         wasn’t good to yield to temptation.

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