Page 5 - The Legend of Grenada's Blue Donkey
P. 5

The Legend of Grenada’s Blue Donkey

          It was Friday, the 6  of February, the last day of
          school  before  Grenada’s  Independence  holiday
          weekend. Phillip thought about what he would do

          after  school.  He  was  really  looking  forward  to

          devouring one of his favourite meals, Oildown  –

          Grenada’s  national  dish.  He  was  also  secretly

          hoping  his  Grade  6  teacher  would  not  give  any
          homework assignments this weekend.

          He  settled  his  head  back  into  his  pillows,  and

          thought about  his fun  options.  “Maybe  I  will go
          adventuring...” he thought to himself.

          Phillip  had  always  been  quite  curious  about  the

          legend  of  the  blue  donkey  in  Grenada.  It  has
          been  told,  that  a  long  time  ago,  a  farmer,

          Mr  Rupert,  had  many  donkeys  on  his  farm.

          In  those  days,  donkeys  were  very  popular.  They

          carried  heavy  loads  and  pulled  ploughs  for

          preparing  the  soil  to  plant  crops  on  the  farm.
          They were an important means of transportation

          since  private  cars  were  not  affordable  for

          everyone.  Mr  Rupert  loved  and  cared  for  his


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