Page 8 - The Legend of Grenada's Blue Donkey
P. 8

The Legend of Grenada’s Blue Donkey

         Sadly,  one  day,  the  donkey  went  missing.  Some

         people believed the donkey escaped and ran away.

         Others suspected that it was stolen from the farm
         in the middle of the night. The donkey was never

         seen again. This loss made Mr Rupert very sad.

         Phillip believed that the magical blue donkey could

         still  be  possibly  wandering  around  in  the  forest.
         Maybe he simply got lost all those years ago, and

         could  not  find  his  way  back  to  the  farm.  He

         believed  that  he  could  one  day  find  the  blue

         donkey,  so  he  decided  to  go  adventuring  to  find

         the legendary blue donkey.

         He was very excited to start his journey! He filled
         his backpack with some of his favorite treats and a

         bottle  of  water.  It  is  very  important  for  an

         adventurer  to  have  healthy  food,  so,  he  chose

         granola bars and cheese crackers. Maybe he would
         even find some delicious Julie mangoes along the

         trails.  However,  he  couldn’t  resist  adding  some

         Spicy  Tortillaz  chips  and  Corn  Curls. Some  people

         call them junk food, but in his opinion, they were

         healthy snacks too, after all - they were made from

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