Page 6 - The Legend of Grenada's Blue Donkey
P. 6

The Legend of Grenada’s Blue Donkey

          On one special day, a female donkey gave birth

          to a beautiful blue foal. Yes, you heard correctly…

          it  was  BLUE!  But  how  was  this  even  possible?

          Nobody  knows.  The  news  spread  quickly  and

          everyone  in  the  community  visited  Mr  Rupert’s
          farm to see this unique, blue donkey. Imagine my

          excitement  when  I  learned  this  miracle  occurred

          in my home village, Westerhall, Grenada!

          The  legend  continued,  that  a  few  days  later,
          Mr Rupert woke up and suddenly realized that he

          did not need his glasses to see properly. He had

          perfect  vision!  Many  of  his  friends  and  family

          members  who  visited  the  farm,  shared  similar

          stories.  Their  ailments  were  all  magically  gone!
          They  all  concluded  that  the  blue  donkey  had

          magical  healing  powers.  They  cherished  and

          cared for the donkey.

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