Page 5 - May 2020
P. 5

MEMBERSHIP NEWS           From Ernie Machado-Membership Chairman

      What a last two months we’ve had!  I am not sure we have ever been through the trials and tribulations in trying to retain
      Members and, growing our Membership at the same time. Let me tell you,  your Membership Committee and your Board have
      been up to the task.
      Any success has come through hard work, creativity and attempting to please as many as possible. Our Committee and Board
      have approved 43 Trial Members through April 23, 2020 and I am pleased to report that eight of (those) have  converted to
      Equity or Seasonal memberships, including the return of Rick Maki.
      Included in this number, we have 25 two-month Trial Members as Sun City West temporarily closed their courses. That was
      the maximum we allowed under ‘Phase One’.  We have 5 additional already committed to May 1 should we decide to continue.
      Now, we have to show them how great belonging to Briarwood is as we expect several to convert, the same as the
      above-mentioned did. The list of these new prospects will now be posted near our main entrance.

      I have written to each, welcoming them and letting them know of our various golf groups. I also made sure that they are
      aware of our Ambassador program where we have several members eager to join them for a round of golf and to answer any
      We also recognized that some of our Seasonal Members needed or wanted to stay longer this year, so we quickly offered them
      a 20% reduction in their monthly dues.
       Other changes to benefit our Members included waiving any unused food minimum through the month of June, recognizing
      that some had to leave earlier than expected.
      Finally, our other two Trial Program time frames were reduced. A ‘New Home Buyer’ can now enjoy a one month trial instead
      of two. Our other Trial (not new home buyers) is now 2 weeks instead of two months. Lastly, reminding you that a local guest
      can visit Briarwood only one day per month.
       Members, thank you for your support and cooperation.  Please me know if you have any suggestions or ideas for absolutely
      the hardest working Committee that I have had the pleasure of being associated with!

      MEMBERSHIP                                                       From Joe Shannon

      Summer is upon us and I have officially celebrated my one-year anniversary as Briarwood’s Membership Director.  A wild and
      exciting ride with some unexpected twists and turns, I’ve come away from this past thoroughly enjoyable year knowing I
      would not want to be any other place than with our Briarwood Associates and Members.

      I am optimistic about Briarwood’s future.  We continue to gain new Members.  Current Members, please reach out to those
      new faces.   Whether you are a Member of two weeks, two years, or perhaps twenty years, all our Members are undoubtedly
      our best assets for today and for the future.  I am honored to be of service to you as your Director of Membership, and thank
      you from the bottom of my heart.

                                    Thank you Members!

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