Page 141 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 141
ground was not kept in good condition but may poG6ibly be taken in
hand by the Royal Engineers. Work at Earn was actually started but
was stopped owing to change of plan.
Kerman wireless station is used for military purposes
only, ana that in summer and once a week only. ;
The year started with a shortage of wheat. In January 300 tons
of wheat arrived from Hama dan. In the middle of February there was
again a shortage due to lack of transport, as lorry owners could
not procure new tyres even at high prices and supplies from Hamadan
were therefore stopped. Towards the end of February the shortage was
very acute, but 500-600 tons of Canadian wheat arrived at Bandar
Abbas and was brought to Kerman.
From the harvest till the end of the year, the tov/n supplies
uependeu almost entirely on day-to-day receipts and at no time was
it possible to build up a reserve. By the end of the year this
trickle of supplies had also died up, and the position was again
becoming acute.
It was estimated in August that this Us tan would have a
deficit of 3900 tons out of which 2000 tons would be needed for
Kerman itseir. Some small cart of this was made up from Sabul, from
where wheat was brought in U.K.C.C. lorries. It is hoped that
further supplies will be available from this source.
From January to August the central bakery, which was origin
ally started by a company (SharkAt) and later tc^en over by the
Government, provided 'oread for the whole of Kerman town (52,000
population) at the rate of £ Rials per bread. At the beginning the
weight of the breads was good 7 to 1 man (65- lbs.); gradually it
was reduced till it rreached 14 to 1 man. After August coupons were
issued and poor people only supplied. Others haa to buy their bread
from the free shops.
The Act -i;.. 'standi-r (0.0.C) published in the local IJBiuari»
pa^er, o report ro^aruirn. the noveriv.ient bakery, showing a profit
of* Rials 220,000/- our in" the 2 months (July ana August") end
. announced that it would oe used for the relief of the poor. (The
previous months profits were not announced).
In spite of the shortage of wheat no action was taken against
Um hoarders by the local authorities, though the anti-hoarding law
y»9.s published and notices circulated. The free bread shops were
buying their stock from the hoaraers. At the end of the year the
Consular Liaison Officer was engaged in collecting information about
hoarding, so that he might himself supervise a campaign against thCo*.
The sugar ration was reduced from 1 Kilo per head per month
to $ Kilo per head per month (500 grammes }• This is quite Inadequate
and people had to purchase sugar In the bazaar at a very high price.
Rationing of cloth started from July at the rate of 4 metres
Per head.
During the early part of the year conditions at Bam were very
bad. Over 500 persons daily were fed by the Farmandar Bam from the
grant made te Bam by the Shah.
A food Company (Sharkdt-i-Kharbar) was formed in Kerman to
•ell necessary food stuffs at a moderate profit. This Shork&t first
started the distribution of lash» (a kind of stew) to the poor,
which was widely welcomed. Later when Government took up tho food
question and a department was opened in Kerman nothing more was heard
of this SharkAt.