Page 323 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 323


                    During 1944 the tribal situation eased considerably
          and such piquant situations arooo on Eaolr qaohqai proposing

          to stand oq a Deputy for tho Bnjlia#     ono factor in oteadylng
          the triboa in ths South of Faro during ths winter wao ths
          prteenos of a motorised battalion of the Trans-Jordan
          Frontier Foroo on thoir flank, who tod boon despatched for

          anti-locust work in tho Bandar Abba a area#
                    Thor a uoro growing Cigna of Russian interest and
         penetration in tho South, and tha Tudeh Forty ccmo to notios
          for the first tine in Buchlre0     ThQ decay of trade, which

          van due to U«Z«S«0o controls, took of chipping and diversion
          of transport continued and resulted in tho migration of a
          largo body of the population to tho Arab ooaot#       m order

          to develop the rocouroao of thio area anl to provide employment
          for the numbers of the population which had drifted up to
          the Berth of the Gulf and would shortly be unemployed a
          scheme for irrigation utilising the Bund River was considered#
          This project which owed its discovery to tho energy displayed

         by       • Consul, yej cr J#B#Kowoa, was worked out aa far as
          this oould be dens by laymen and forwarded to ths Saba coy
         who invited the views of the Government of India# Ths

         pr op o cal a were despatched in Burch but nothing further had
         boen heard by ths oloos of ths year*
                    Rumours of reduotioa In the Allied Forces continued
          to.filter through but dseplts ths withdrawal cf ths

          from Buehirs a good deal of work was provided by ths bsokr^ch
         of ths earlier undertakings end Bony Inquiries wore received
         regarding oonoi&usants which tod gone through ths port in
         ths prsoeding throe years*

               8* &s sweated migration of loonets throu&i ths
         Booth fcrtzcatoly did not take place thcugi every prscautica

                                                          / was
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