Page 327 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 327

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          pinqo for ur# nogera ccd layaolf comlotsd of oineral water

          being flora frca Iraq to Sharjah*
                0.   rdw.catlon*
                     Considerable development took plaao undor tho aogis
          of tho Britioh Counoll both in KUvjait nnl Bahrain and pro-

          poaedo for a Cairo Hootol rrero madQo     Tho E^ptian toaohoro
          on the whole turned out very Troll* and minded their buainooa
          and ooohowod local politico*
                6*   good SUppliOOo
                     Groat tordchip and malnutrition continued to be

          oauoad by tha laok of rioo ani repreoentationo were oado
          msuoacatfully for tho oupply of Egyptian or Indian rio«»
          It bad apparently boon aotabliuhcd that S^ptica and Indica

          rice nuot bo bupplied to rubber workers in Coy Ion , tut for
          some roaaon it could not bo cede available to Arab oil rarkera
          in Bahrain*
                The arrangement a cade in 1943 at tho instance of the
          Uinio try of Food for tho cupply of dateo to tho Peroion Gulf

          Shaiklxlone through the forcer^ Agcnto* iresoro. Andrew woir
          end Company* who ware given tho monopoly of the export of
          date a from Ira^ proved a complete failure* causing much

          hardship in tho Ohaikhdona •    The failure raa* in tho main*
          due to tho high prloa ckurgad* tho Inability of tho Agon to
          to cupply tho required ^uantitieo* their Hoondftloua inactivity
          deepito the high rate of Cdaloaioa charged by thers, and tho

          inability of tho 2ra^ Government to control emugglins* Th3
          roeult pao that at tho beginning of 1944 it raa found
          ncoccmry to Inform tho Stnifcfcdcnd that they rare umder no

          obligation to adhere to tho undertaking they hxd been asked
          to give9 in order to acsiot tho cohcso, to refrain frca
          independent pur&ace*      cring to the opexronoo late? of
          •frco« datop cn tho ortot tho GkaDOdomp eventually tad

          difficulty in dlepocing ef ouch. gtooU a? high priced tatoo
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