Page 329 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 329

o 7 «
          knoxai to have occurred it mo not always eaoy to taka
          political aoUouo
               10« General olr Arthur fkilth* tho GoOoOo In Go*
          paiforca, vlulted Brshire In Juno and all outstanding problcne
          with palforoe ware rapidly disposed of0 and thanks to tho

          oueiotanoo i£ven by him throughout tho year no further
          diff ioultios arooQo
               I paid a raturn viait to tho A*o*0© (Air y.arshal

          Vfillook) in January tut thereafter the higher air peraonnel
          ohonged bo rapidly tint it wao not found poooibla to achiavo
          Buoh contact with thca©
               The rclaticno Y&th tho TTavy repaired as agreoable ao
          orer and the now QJJ*Oo?*G»0 Cozaacdoro I*?*t*hitshorn, R.T?*,

          in ♦SealeUe'1 paid a Yicit to Euo hire after chrictrcaa*
          This was greatly welcomed and apparently uucli enjoyed hy
          the offiocro and orewo

               11* It io worth recording that in April, I, together
          with Captain Keen, Ccniul in Eushire* encased death by
          inc/ieti whilo leaving ihc a croc ror.a at Liniph ov.lng to the
          c^iGeiou of the pilot to wind in tho glUo behind tho
          engines*    in bcpltubor I narrowly escaped an aobuch 0 miles

          out on the chiras road when gjing to reel the Ceoretaiy,
          and emerged with two bullet holes through tho front of the car
               12* priciii diainiehod slightly during the year but

          still regained at an abncrcul figure and It is vorth recording
          that during the month of Jamciiy (all cooking being done
          with bo recent) I spent £40 on charcoal and firewood* Butter*
          (which is only available at this ties of ths year*) was sold

          st 15/« a pound* and the price of s hair-cut root to 7/6*
          Ths Oa to meant of India had not sanctioned ary dearness
          allowance for offlosrs of ths Political Department at ths
          snd of ths year*
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