Page 324 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 324
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.■ taken against it# AS mentioned above* tho Erano®
Jordon ITontier Tor of were despatched from Tra no-Jordan to
oopa idth this# Had Peroia and the Bandar Abbao area boon
under the India Command It would have been poeoiblo to oond
detachments from India whloh would have rosuited in on
immense oaring of time, tyros aid tonnage*
S. Tho GoTomment of India supplied an sxaoutlvo
Baglneer half-way throu^i the year* after tho poot had lain
vacant for 15 months* In the meantime thoue of tho PoWoDo
staff who had not loft on grounds of ill-health spent their
time quarreling with eaoh other and work was at a standstill*
Er* Alnrid, tho new Executive fchgineer* did hin utmost to
try end introduce acme ecablano* of order into this Departacit
and finally achieved some results though tho building at
Bandar Abbas suffered permanent donate through look of
attention* and the absence of essential engineering stores
was aoutdy fait* The supply of wire gauss which h2d boen
pressed for in JUniKry after the death of Captain Kocn’s
ohild from cose intestinal complaint* and which was tho
■ubjoot of constant rcmlndera azxi personal telegrams through
out tht year* had not been received by the end of tho year*
It is difficult to describe the confusion ouuacd ly tbs
mlooonoelvsd reduction of the post of Asaiotant Biglneer*
the loss caused to Government* or the extent to which the
Secretary's ties was wasted on technical ratters outails
his narnal sphare*
4* tbs Church of the Efcipliwyr was opened on January
6th* the consecration ceremony being conduotod by the
Bishop in Persia* a Persian opening was hold on Sunday ths
8th whloh via attended by all tho leading Persians* including
tbs Xzzsi JUC3’* which icy be considered a great tribute ts
tbs personality of B*B#t!«Cocaul* uojar j*b*eowos*
/ mforfcmataly