Page 328 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 328
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ao wore purchased by then undar tha scheme©
Tho Uinistry of Toed again functioned aa controlling
purchaser for Iraqi dot so of the 1944 eoaaon, again operating
through xeiors. Andrew wolr. Warned ty their ejtparicnoas
of the previous ecmBon, tha Shaikhdomo unanimoualy refuucd
to hove any further dealings with that firm© To anolat
Hie Majeuty** Government, however, they undertook to refrain
froo independent purchase In Iraq before Slot Do cocker, 1944*
7# Brake .
At the oloeo of the year a branch of the imperial
Bank of Iran was opened at Bahrain aul welcomed by the local
merchants. The saotem Bank had abuaed their monopoly and
tome competition vaa long overdue* The rational city Bank
of the U*3. oonuidered opening a branch at Dhahran and want
■o for oa to apply for permission to the Saudi Government
but nothing hid been decided by the end of the year0 Bahrain
continued to develop as a financial centre, and It is clear
tint if tha odsiniotratlcn la intolligontly handled it hau
a great futura apart from ito oil industries©
0* The supply of intelligence, aa in the year before,
continued strictly one-way* A Japanese submarine landed a
motor of Indian prisoners At Basal during the course of
the year but &hc information was only ^Leaned accidentally
and the details are not fully known, Though the incident
occurred outside the area of the Gulf administration this
naturally ted on important bearing on coastal watching and
other schemes along the littoral for ifcleh this Residency
la recpcBfilblt*
9. the sms trafflo Shoved signs of reerudeseenos
and the R.A.T. lovles,lest, sold or stolo largo quantities
of ssswniticn, thcugi nothing comparable to the loss#a 1a
Xhadstsa. A» Ocrxaxdin g officers usually prof erred to
huc& up incidents and frequently denied looses which wore
/ lacua