Page 343 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 343


            The I'timadieh Cotton Cloth Hilj.
                       Productipn suffered'considerably owing to the
             shortage of spare parts for the weaving machinery.

            The management were obliged to close the weaving department
             for a period of two months,     The spinning department had
             to slacken off work correspondingly, two shifts being
            worked daily instead of three,      New Machinery had arrived

             by the end of the year but had not been erected.
                                  SECTION VIII

                            Health and Quarantine.
                        (a)  Assistant Surgeon R. Easey, I.H.D., was in

             sub-charge of the Residency Dispensary,      He was on leave
            for just over 3 months in the summer,       During this period
            the work was carried out by the Residency Surgeon, Major
            A.L. Greenway, U.B.E., I.3J.D.
                        (b)  Malaria and dysentery v/ere much less than

            usual.    In the case of .malaria the reason was the absence
            of water in the abambars (water tanks) which gave less
            opportunity for the breeding of mosquitos.
                       There were a larger number of cases of influenza,

            influenzal pneumonia and pneumonia than in the previous year^
                       (c)  No epidemics of infectious diseases occurred.
                       (d)  -The number of attendances and operations as
            compared with the two previous years weres-

                         Out-patients. In-patients. Operations.
                1942       35,486              18              385
                1943       37,452              14              407
                1944       35,876               7              369

                       (e) Quarantine arrangements are, of course, in the
            hands of the Iranian authorities.

                                                 Sd. T.E.Rogers.
                                             H.M, Consul, Bushire.
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