Page 345 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 345

                             CHAPTER IV                                                       i

                   Administration Rc; ort of the Kerr, an snu Yezd Consular
            Districts for tne year l£44.

                                    A.   k sam y.

            I. H.H. C0TT3tHA?fl.
               (a) H.iJ. Consul.
               (i) Mr. H.A.K. Barlow, I.C.5., held charge of Fis Majesty's
            Consulate, Ker..un, from the 1st January till the 15th May, when
            iie was transferred to Inuiu. He ..'as succ•;edsd by Lieutenant
            Colonel V.V.D. V/illou^hby, v.ho held charge of the Consulate for
            the remainder of the year. During the year, Lieutenant Colonel
            7/illoughby went on leave to India, on the lith October and re­
            turned on the 5th November. Captain R.A• McConaghay, Kis
            Majesty's Consul, B&r.d-r Abbas, officiated durin^ his absence
            ss His Lfcjesty's Consul, Kernor., in sadition to his own duties*
              (ii) H.M. Consul's tour3.
                    During the period in ivMch he held charge, Mr. H.A.TT.
            Barlow made the folio; ing tours : -

            January 6th to 14th              -  To Sirjan end Bander Abbas.
            February 24th to 28th            -  To Ye zd
            March 11th to March ISth         -  To Jir'uft.
                    The fellow in.." tours ware carried out by Lieutenant Colonel
            V.V.D. v/illoughby s-

            lu^jit 5th to 21;.               -  Tc Art a bad
            September r,th                   -  To 3ewuch
            oepLcu-er 15th                   -  To Lehun.
                (b; Co:.,ul Li-i^cr, Officer.
                    Lis j or MoA^:c...csd J-’.asean hill charge of the post of Consular
            Liaison Officer will are 20th Septe-aoer, ..hen he went on leave to
            In^is*.   The .^oct was unoccupied for the remainder of the yecr,
            out his work Was carried on by Major G.H. Thomas, v.ho arrived in
            Kerman at the end of August, as Region:1 Adviser to the Department
            of Finance in Kerman*
                    During his tenure of office, Major Hasson nude many tours,
            in connexion with the assessment, and collection of Government
            grain, to Mahun, Esm, Hsrrushir, Jiruft, Rafsinjfr., Zerinu, Ray in,
            Bander .Voces, Sirjan ana other villages in this area. He also
            paid short visits to Tehran in March, May ana September ana went
            on leave to India for a short period from the 21st March to 28th
                (c) Sxtra Assistant to F.M. Consul
                    Mr. Lester held charge of the post of IHx.trs Assistant
            to K.M. Consul till July 5th, when he went to Indie on le- ve. He
            was relieved by Mr. H. Nicholas, v.ho held charge for the remainder
            of the year.
                (d) Cpr.aular Statistics

            during the yeal01944 ,re th* 5titistics °* the British Consulate

                    British Subjects registered             •«•      28
                    Passports issued           • • •        • • •     3
                    Passports renewed          • • •        •. •      4
                    Visas granted                           • • •   126

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