Page 349 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 349
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The prices of A.l.O.C. petrol increased rr^dually during
the yeer, the increase no doubt being due to the enhanced
transport rates. They were i-
Froi: January lot to February 27th - Rials 63-50 per tin of
4 gallons.
From February 28th to July 6th 68.50 w
Fro;u July 6th to December 31st 76.00
(c) Church missionary Society
(i) Hospital. Dr. H.B- '.Vila held charge of the O-L'.S.
Hoa^itel trirouThout the year* On February 3rd, he was joined
I by Dr. (Miss) K. Blackwood, who arrived here from Australia
to look after the women’s section of the Hospital. The work
dcr.e by the Hospital c .ntir.ued to be excellent in spite of 3
shortage of European nursing staff. The charitable work has
to a 1-rge extent been made possible by the monetary grants
cade by the Ans.14-Iranian Relief Fund and their assistance
in obtaining necessary drugs for the hospital.
Hospital statistics durir^ the year were as follows
Total in-patient beds 110
English Staffs Doctors 2
Irani Stiff : Hale Nuraes 12
Female nurses 11
Total in-patients admitted 1228
Tot^l outpatients attendances 32484
Operations s Major 534
Minor 955
Totil number of injections 19560
Doctors* vioits to town (about) 1500
(ii) St, Ar.drev.1 s Ch arch. The Reverend A.T. How den wus the
Pastor in ci:=.rge till jsnu-ry 26th. From then till the end
of the yesr, the Chcplsin's unties were carried out by Reverend
(ill) Miss C. Stratton continued to run the Women’s Welfare
Centre in Kerman.
There were no foreign representatives in Herman during
the year. Due to difficulties in obtaining shippin^; facilities
-’nd to other war-time restrictions, import tr3de viith foreign
countries was at a standstill. According to figures obtained
from the Certificates of Origin :-nc* Interest issued by this
Conoulate, the only item exported during the year from Kerman
was carpets, the destination in all cases being Hew York, The
total value oi' carpets exported amounted to Rials 12,407,S06/65.
(a) Governor General.
Aq&i Ahmad Rad held charge of the post of Governor General
till the 23rd July, 1944, when he left for Tehran on transfer.
He *a3 one of the few honest officials in the district and was
exceptionally friendly and co-operative in all his dealings
with this Consulate. It is suspected that his transfer w*a
engineered by certain local officials who found his presence
in Kerman inimical to their interests. Hi3 departure was.
however, generally regretted.
Pending /-