Page 351 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 351
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(g) Education Department
Mr. Iisesan Lub^rhen heia the post of Director of Sduda-
tion till 23rd -July, when he went to Terr on on transfer. Kr.
Afzal Koohi officiated from that date till September 3rd, when
Dr. I.-uz&f far Baqoi arrived from Tehran to take up the appoint*
me rit • Dr. Bsqai ia a young a ana is* a member of the Ibrahim!
The following schools were established in Kerman in
the Districts daring th* year i-
Kerman. C-ne primary boys' school (5 els sees)
Chatroou Cne ^rlivrry rjirle1 school (*± w i '
Bagl*.ir‘. • One primary giris ' school (4 "
Ushun Cne primary mixed school (4 ** )
Esndar Abbas. Tv.o primary schools (6 "
28 night classes, which included 30CO pupils, were
opened in the Province.
(f) Agricultural Btnk
3Sr. I/.u/.htarian held charts of the Agricultural Hank
till the end of August when he transferred to Tehran, his
place being taken by Sayed Jawed Loinzadeh, who arrived in
Kera^n on 5eptenter 5th.
Apart frem money advanced to landlords, .approximately
20,CC0 tomans were advanced to cultivators, to enable them to
purchase farming impler.entc, at the rate of inters it per
e nnum.
(^) Dacgrtmjnx, of Justice
die Ibrahim (Shezaeh Sole Loan lhirza} officiated as Chief
Jucga during the year. Arha ::i£ Luruo, the Public Prosecutor,
was transferred to Yezd. during the ye ar, x-lice be Lap tiaen
| by hr. Ala v i. Ur. As&dulleh Has tigsn was the assistant to
the Public Prosecutor.
This Department is, ironically enough, said to outdo all
others in corruption. Lost of the Judges hive recently graduated
end have had li .tie or no experience before coming to Kerman, their primary aim is to line their pockets in the shortest
possible time.
(h) Police
Colonel Suleiman r.utasham held the post of Chief of
Police till November 29th, when he left for Tehran on leave.
He was very popular with the general public and waa always
ready to co-operatie with this Consulate. Though this deport
ment continued to be ill-equipped, it showed a noticeable
improvement din other res sects under his supervision. There
WirS * general regret expressed at his departure.
After his departure, the former Chief of Police at Raf-
sin.jan, Captain Hishmati, acted as Chief cf Polite for the of the year. He appeared to be a worthy successor
to Colonel Elutasham, both in his work end in his dealing3 with
this Consulate.
(i) Posts JEu Tele^r^pha
Ur. Ahmad Sadri retained charge of tne Department through
out /-