Page 356 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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of armed robbers when returnino from Bam to Kerman on June
17th. Ho received serious injuries from splirtered glass to
one of his eyes. The next morning, he w^s flown to Ahwaz for
treatment. "The pundits remained unccptured.
11. On June 24th the Kerman-Jupar Road %e>s the scene of an
armed robber, ir. which 2 people were shot at ana killed.
12. Two of bindite, reported to have com; from Pars,
mane a number of ruidi or. villages ne-^r 3irj**i. in August.
They were pursue- by military detachments, who succeeded in
recovering most of the stolen articles.
13. In October, after a month of reasonable security, a
sheep owner named Raza ;uli Posht Kuli was attacked by a gan^,
of dacoits while on hie way to Bards ir with a farty of tra
vellers. He was relieved of four Government rifles which he hec
obtained for his protection, ana the perty was robbed of about
70,000 tomans in cash. The bandits were reported to h*-»ve
been followers of i;urad-Ali-Kurad -«nd to h^ve been led in this
attack by Jahangir, his brother.
14. l!r. r.T. Khsnbsbeyan, an Armenian carpet merchant of
Kerman, while returning to Kerman bj car from Rafsinjan on
December 7th, was ambuohad r.esr the Kabocterkhsn River by a
gang of about 2-5 armed bandits. The efforts of his driver
to run the gauntlet resulted in a hail of bullets from the
bandits, one of which hit and subsequently killed Xhanbabaysn*
15. On the day an 3.E.R. lorry v»?s later stopped at the
identical spot. The robbers rur«ca eked it and mode off with
about 40,COO worth of r.ersonal effect*;.
(a) Rogdc. The Zahidun-Kerm-n Road remained under the
supervision of Lhe R.'fs durin0 the year and continued to be
maintained in ._,oo- repair. The road to Yezd, though a good
ore in element we-tmer, inclined to deteriorate in rain
=na snow. Zany in January, there was a ve~;-orary sto^p^ge
of traffic ..hen - bridge between Rafsinjan unu Kerman was
washed away, end an ol- alignment where the goin3 is. bad had
to be u*ei till the Persian Rood Department, v.ho were responsi
ble for its maintenance, eventually took steps to repair it.
Again in April, the road was cut by floocs on the Kerman side
of the Kabootarkhon.
The Bsndor Abbas roid, though motorable, was in bad
repair, sene ...arts bein hardly better than a cart-track. A
landslide near Sirjan, ceaoed by heavy fells of snow, closed
it for a few weeks in December.'
(b) Aerodrome. The work on the aerodrome which started in
1943 was still in progress at the er.d of 1944, though a good
deal of progress h-d beer, made in the course of the year. A
brief survey of the state of the aerodrome at the ena of the
year is as follows
(i) The FoirweatLer Strip (natural soil), on the Ba3t side of
the Primary runway, has a width of 68 metres, a service
able length of 2500 metres and ground markings.
(ii) The Frimary Runway, width 49 metres, will eventually hive
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