Page 359 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 359
15 -
realise the true value of German broi^c-asta.
The twenty-three P.R.B. Re-aing Rooms in tbi- Contultr
Di-trict wars v.2ll-pJtroni*ed, especially in Kerman itself
where large numbers congregated during the coarse of the
evening to hear the daily nev/e broadcasts to read the
cooks; *nu pamphlets which were regularly received fro.a the
F.R.3. in Tehran. As a whole, publicity material w.c-a well-
received as i* evideueec in the increase in s-le;; of the
various periodical-. Mev.u bulletins continued to be issued
daily by the Consulate end were very popular.
A lor^e number of cir.smn sho/i* were r. iven in Kernan
-nu in villages in tne ui-trict daring the year, *nd continued
to gain popularity. vrhiie nev.e reels depicting Allies iUcceKces
in -Torth Africa and in Europe slaveya produced the p;re tea t
interest, by far the mest popular films v.ere the conic a n or to.
The loc-1 cinema, which worked spasmodically, finally clo-.d duwr
towards the end of the yssr, due to poor patrbneye end a
conse^uenn luck of funds. V/hile in operation, it showed
British newsreels and more o.ter. than not Russian feature
filr-3. Feature films are •lv.ays received with great enthueiaim
. sc few of these were received during the yejr from the F.R.a.
The Indian teachers of Snelish for Ker:.v*n -no. Yszd
arrived on October 8th. For nearly six ..esk- after their
-rriv-1 they c^ent a greet deal of tins in contact in, the local
inhabitants ana in briuhirig a*, their knowledge of colloquial
Fer-ian. Cls^ec in Keruu-u ct.rtsd on rovemoer 22nd *na,
thou^u numerou- applications h-u been received during tna
intervening pericu from prc-uc.ctivi pu-ile, the initial
attendance v*a a .>i- sproin ting. This ».as s&irly aue to the
rates of fees ceiiv,, w..ich were conui-uarea to be too
hiwh. The fees were t..*n reduced, with the re-alt ...ore
ap.-lic-tions were received r.» the . tte.ic: ace gr-dually ..ed
.-vt the oua of thi ys s*r the number of ; a ttshdin., dr^
exit e=s a tool •-1 ^7. frogr-cs* h-* net ho. ever boen -
-ejected, due to c v rie t of ctrier c-Uset which hove b-en
reported secure tely.
B. Y S Z D
Hr. Haqbul Rehman held charge of the post of Bead
Clerk in Charge of the Yezd Consulate Office dating the year.
During the period under review 16 British officers, 3
Indians, -no about 18 Americans visited the Consulate, in addi
tion to the following who paeeed through i-
British 8 Swiss 2
Greeks 2 Sgyptians 1
Italians 6 Danes 2
Yugoslavs 3 Chinese 2
Ruuti-nu 10
The only item of British interest is the Anglo-Iranian
Oil /-