Page 364 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 364

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                       There was of course no trade with enemy countries, of
                 other foreign countries, small exports were made of carpets
                 to America and of henna and rosobuds to Iraq.
                                ' IV. L03AL OCVETTHENT.
                        Aqai Hyosain'OeraKani held char e until the night of
                 February 6th»when he loft without notice.
                       Aqai T'uzaffari who was appointed to the vacant post on
                 February 6th continued to hold charge until the end of the

                       Aqai Vahomned Ohaffari was in charge until the lCth
                I'arch when he was relieved, by Aqai Dorudian who regained in
                 Office for the rest of the year.

                       Acai Arsalan Dara remained in charge of this department
                until relieved on Nay 27th by Aqai Shahbakhtiari, who in turn
                was relieve! by Acai Ha scan Shafiee on the first dec ember.
                Aqai Shafiee was still holding charge at the close of the
                BANQUE NELLIE.

                       Acai 3eyed Ali Peladi continued as manager throughout
                the year. The bank began to sell Sterling and Hupees drafts
                at the rates of Rials. ldO/- ;er round and Dials. 9.cC .er
                         However the black rate for rupees is still higher
                oiiai:    iari£ rate, because bank drafts are exchanged at a
                discount at Dubai on the Trucial Coast.

                       Aqai JalaJ. ud din Firuz held office throughout the year.
                       Naib (2) Seyed Hamel Kamell was the head of the Folice
                Department throughout the year..

                POST fc TZL3VRAFKS.
                      Aqai Pahman Farahmand held office until the l'th
                Noveifter. Acai Nohaioaed Ali c^aAmi-- assumed charge from
               November lcth to the close of the period.

                      Acai pezeshki continued as head of the Education.
               Department throughout the year. There is oue preliminary
               school for boys and two for girls up to the 6th standard.
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