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           CONFIDEN T—I A L.

                       POLITICAL AGENCY FOR THE YEAR 1944.


                (a)   Mr.C.J. Pelly, O.B.E., I.C.S., of the Indian
           Political Service held charge upto the 10th .June when he
           proceeded to England cn leave, and relieved by
           Mr.G.N. Jackson of the Indian Political Service who held
           charge till the end of the year.
                (b)   Dr.L.R. Scudder, Medical Officer of the Arabian
           Mission, performed the duties of Quarantine Medical Officer
           upto the 22nd March v/hen he proceeded on leave. -He handed
           over charge to Dr. Gerald ITykerk of the same Mission.
                (c)   Dr. Gerald Nykerk performed the duties of
           Quarantine Medical Officer upto the 24th June when he
           handed over charge to Assistant Surgeon C.E. Hynes who
           remained in the appointment till the end of the year.
           H. RULING FAMILY.

                His Highness remained in Kuwait throughout the year
           cut has been out hawking in the hinterland three times
           this winter. Out hawking His Highness*does a good deal
           of walking and usually returns locking much better for it.
           He takes a very keen interest in everything that goes on
           in the State and maintains the closest touch with his
           subjects. His health has remained generally good
           throughout the year but Dr. Gerald Nykerk, his medical
           adviser, reports that during, and following, the month of
           Randhen, when he was fasting during the day and almost
           certainly over eating at night, his blood pressure showed a
           disconcerting tendency to rise but dropped again as soon as
           more normal dieting was resumed. This was followed by the
           appearance of albumen in the urine ranging from a trace
           to one plus which, at the end of the year, had not
           completely reacted to treatment.

                His Highness was invested with tte badge and star of
           the K.C.3.I. by the Kon'ble the Political Resident at a
           Darbar held on the 12th April. Due to the very limited
           accommodation in the Darbar Room only 120 persons could be
           invited but over one thousand uninvited both men and
           women attended the function in the courtyard of the Palace..
           The Political Resident, the Senior Naval Officer and his
           Secretary arrived at 4.25 and were received by Eis Highness
           the Shaikh, the Political Agent and Shaikh Abdullah As
           Salim, C.I.2 0 •
                As soon as the Hon'ble the Political Resident and
           Eis Highness the Shaikh were seated a short extract from
           the Kuran was read after which the Kon'ble the Political
           Resident invested the Shaikh with the badge and star of
           the K.C.S.I. and delivered his address. His Highness
           then replied. Arrangements were made by Cable and
           Wireless Limited to broadoast the speeches through their
           Wireless station in Kuwait and reception was good and much
           appreciated. After the ceremony all those present and
           great numbers of the townsfolk attended an "Ardha" or war
           dance in the town square.
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