Page 368 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 368

                       The Hon’ble the Political Resident’s address
                considered in conjunction with the obvious closeness and
                cordiality of his relations with the Shaikh left no room for
                doubt, even in Arab minds, that His Majesty’s Government
                had conferred thi3 most recent honour on His Highness in
                recognition of his loyalty during the last few critical years.
                The Hon’ble the Political Resident and His Majesty’s local
                representatives have also in recent years made it abundantly
                clear that they regard the Shaikh of Kuwait as tho 30I0
                source of authority within his State, thus correcting the
                almost disastrous Impression allowed to gain prevalence at
                an unfortunate period of local history. The remarkable
                demonstrations of loyalty by the people of Kuwait to their
                Ruler on the occasion of this investiture established
                conclusively that this impression has been dissipated. The
                real friends of the Shaikh were genuinely pleased, and the
                v/averers came over to him en masse finally convinced that
                they could safely give their allegiance to one who so
                clearly had the support of one of the leaders of the winning
                Allied side. The opposition party were confounded.

                    (b) In the absence of Shaikh Fahad As Salim As Sub ah
                on holiday in.Egypt, Shaikh Abdullah Salim As Subah, C.I.3.,
                has taken a much closer interest in affairs of state; and,
                as Head of the Rationing Committee, has teen running the
                rationing of foodstuffs and piece-goods. He has also been
                in cherge of price control.
                          A certain amount of progress has been made In
                preventing the diversion of quotas, but the working of the
                Government of India’s established shippers’ procedure left
                many loopholes for trafficking in quotas in Bombay, and for
                diversion to Persian Ports of goods carried in sailing
                craft — opportunities that were exploited to the full by
                Indians and Arabs alike.
                    (c)   Shaikh Abdullah Mubarak, C.l.E., has remained in
                charge of the Department of Public Security and has been
                noso active and effective in recovering military property
                stolen in Iraq ana Iran and in preventing its being disposed
                of in Kuwait. Security in Kuwait itself and in the
                hinterland continues to be excellent. Shaixh Abdullah
               Mubarak was a;varded the C.l.E. in the New Year’s honours
                in 1945.
                    (d)   Shaikh Abdullah Jabir As Subah retained his
               appointments as Chief Judge and Head of the Education
               Department. Under his guidance considerable progress has
                been made in the field' of education. Shaikh Abdullah’s
               health has, however, not been good. Ee Is reported to be
                suffering from pyorrhoea and autointoxication of the heart.
               Ee has also been experiencing trouble with his eyes, and
               arrangements have been made for him to visit specialists in
               Bombay early in the New Year.

                    (e)   The post of President of the Municipality -is still
               nominally vacant but the work is being done by the Executive
               Officer under the direct supervision of the Ruler.
                    (f)   Shaikh Abdullah Al Ahned remained in charge of the

                    (e)   Shaikh Fahad As Salim spent most of the year in
               Egypt; and, On his return In December, was not permitted
               to resume charge of Finance or Food Supplies.
                    (H)   Shaikh Subeh As Salim remained In charge of the


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