Page 363 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 363

                               CHAPTER V
           CONFIDENTIAL.                                            C.
                       ADKi:iI3T«ATI0'T REPORT OF THE BaK’JAR ABBAS /
                             contjlati: tor the year 1944. \A .
                 Hr. T.3. Rogers, 1.0.3. held charge of His majesty's
            Consulate. Bandar Abbas, until April &0th when he -as rcl-cv-
            el by captain R.A. HcConaghey.
                 Caotain R.A. HcConaghey handed over charge of this
            Consulate to Lt. Col. V.7.D. T:illoughby on November *S>th
            and the latter held dual charge of Loth the Keiaan and
           Bandar Abbas Consulates until the end of the year.
            CONSULAR statistics.

                 British Subjects Registered                           44
                  passports issued                                      5
                  jrassnort Renewals Granted                           12
                 Visas Granted                                         24
                 Tooc T oif!                                     00,1 -i. r\
                                                                     JL. I/*- V
                  A V S/W ^J V « ^ V
                                BRITISH INTERESTS.
                  The volume of trade was comparatively snail, the chief
            imports being sugar, tea and piece goods imported from the
            Tracial Coast and from India. This trade -as the war-time
            residue of the normal peace-time entrepot trade of the
            ?racial Coast with south ~’est Persia.- Owing fee the restrict­
            ions on e. port of goods from India 2nd the Coast the
            import* figures ,7ere low compared with that of previous years.
                  "Exports consisted of small consignmjnts of
            carpets'to America and dried fruits, goat shins and att&ri
            to India and Oman.

            * f A /I
            A • lfVi^*
                 A full-time agent is maintained at this port. Petrol,
            kerosene and lubricating oil supplies for Kerman, Z-ahidan
            Rafsenjan and Bara are discharged at Bandar Abbas and imports
            have been comparatively heavy.
                 The price of petrol has risen to Rials 70 per tin of
            four gallons and the pump price to Rials .14 per gallon

          • !Tt5CR3 GRAY ”ACKTTZI3 & CO .LTD.
                 This firm continued to retain a representative at this
            port in connection with their B.I.S.K. Co. agency business.
            FRANK 3TRI0K LINTS LTD.

                 Kessrs Dorabjee and Cons continued to hold the Rooney
            for the firm but no steamer of this line called.
                                III.FOREIGN INTERESTS.
                  There continued to be no other representative at this
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