Page 360 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 360

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                   Oil Company depot v.ith its branches in Tuft end Ardiken,
                   Anti piroos, the-Agent of the A.I.O.C. was transferred to
                   Bush ire snu was temporarily relieved by on Armenian from
                   Tehran who was subsequently replaced by Ab-uur Rahim Kotal,
                   • Jew from Tehran.

                   IV,   LOCAL GOVER^C27T
                          Agha Ahmad Sr.ari held charge of the Governorste during
                   the year under report except for obout five months during
                   the summer when he went on leave to Tehran. Naib Ssrhang
                   S*yed J-»for E:sn Sh:rifi, tbs Chief cf Police acted for him
                   in his absence. It i- understood that in return for the
          which Sadri give to Dr. Tahiri 5nd S-ia Kazim during
                   the 1943 elections this official h*s, with Dr. T-r.iri's
                   influence been promoted to the rank of Ustonusr and appointed
                   (on pi^er) to tne 4th UiUn.    He draw* the ^ey of an Us tanaar
                   but has been retained in Yezd in the interests of Tshiri'i,
                          Sxcept for the usu^i chunse£. amongst tne members of the
                   local Government no events of importi.uc-j took pl^ce dxrin*,
                   the ^eer. During the the Police check on traffic
                   passing through the m^in ^5tee was removed, vnu the collection
                   of 3^5 tax on all food stuffs imported into the town was
                   abolished by the loci-1 Finance Dsp-rtaenL under instructions
                   from the Central Government,    Folio*in^ this a lev; iapooine
                   an Z0% t*x on business people was promulgated but no action u£-g
                   taken to enforce its regulations.

                          S^t the close of the year the loc3l head of the Education
          announced compulsory education for menial Government
                   employees in the cchcolc, but like -io:t other msjcures
                   for reform nothing hss resulted from the snnour.ce..iSnt,
                   7.   r.:iLIT-.Tr A-O "’Dl-mRK,
                          To noticeable cxxxxe activities hever been reported
                   in thii* srsu during the period under review except that raising
                   gangs, mostly from Ears, have teen setive in T’erat, }.!« and
                   on the main Yezd-Keris-n Road necessitating the occaj ional
                   movement of Gendarmerie forces to deal with them.
                          T;:e xc-t iaportsnt event of the year v;:a the re-org--iis*-
                   tion of the Gendarmerie force in tvis district and the
                   estsclishment of two permanent "Guruhsns" at IT*in with a
                  garrison of 150, each tinker the Officer Commanding, Yezd.      In
                   order to raise this force locally the Officer Commanding, Yezd, s
                   started recruitment - t the end cf the year unuer review, but
                   the required number of recruits is still incomplete.
                          In order to ue3l with the increased ana more or less
                  permanent lawlessness in thi* pert of the country,    e smell
                  tower wo* constructed at Shuxsh Puc- (on the mein Yezu-Kermun
                  road; one. the garrison of Kerens ha ban tz^nsferrea to tn*t gl^ce.
                          Colonel IToizi, the Officer Commanding Gendarmerie, ICth
                  Us tan, Isfahan, who has administrative jurisdiction over the
                  gendarmerie Force in Yezd district made en extensive tour in
                  Herat, Uerwas, Absr Kuh ana TTain etc. in order to round up the
                  principal bandits responsible for highway robberies in this
                  *rea ana to carry out an inspection in connexion with the
                  re-organisation icheae..
                         The Gendarmerie have now been ii-aued with a nev; kind of
                                                                   uniform /-
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