Page 361 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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           uniform - a battle drece of serge presum-bly supplied by
           thu Americans.
                  Until August 1944, charge of the f ont of Officer
           Commanding, Yezci was held by Sarhong Furzund, but on bin
           transfer to Ahtjf&z Captain Szudi assumed the cou/uaiid which
           he continues to hold- Conscription haa been in force
           v.ith its usual evils throughout the -eriod under review.

           VI -   COMv ICATI0K5
                  The main roads have been open for traffic/?, but apvrt
           from the one mentioned below, no udbition.1 roaus v.ere buila
           anywhere in thia .rea, nor have the necessary repairs to the
           existing raids been carried out.
                   The hines Department 3t Anar a k (125 mile* north of
           Yezd) hat constructed 2 stretch of ?bout 25 miles of motorable
           shingled rcadf thereby connecting the Tnlmasi copper mines
           v.ith Anarsx.
           VII. 2CC"Cy.JC CONDITIO? o
                   Throughout the year under review the food position
           at Yezd was satisfactory,     As regards other economic condi-
           tier.?, these have been no better than elsewhere in this
           country. However such trade v.a= possible under existing
           we2 conditions, hue been satisfactory and consequently the
           local population, the majority of v.hora are cnftsraen, their
           main profession being hsncloom weaving, did net appear to be
           hard hit.
                   Eut with the Allies1 invasion of Europe in the sunder
           of 1944, economic condition-5 changed rapidly end became a source
           of grave ir-xiety to the local population, Money ceased to
           circulate, and the ^rice- of 1-aded property, sugrr, tea,
           foreign ana local cloth and cotton yc.rn in particular, fell by
           *t le»st od.4«   Consequently a number of local merchants
           became bankrupt.
                   Eventually, general economic conditions began to
           improve srhowly though the instability of the market and dis­
           satisfaction among the people as regards future conditions
           continued. Owing to an acute shortage of water, for irri­
           gation purposes, the situation was not *c-tisfoctory, but thanks
           to the E.S.R., foodstuffs continued to pour in from Khoracan,
           Shiraz, Bushire anu Bandar Abba*, tu.ficient to meet the
           requirements of the local population!
                   At the beginning of the year, the Anglo-Iranian Relief
           Committee, Tehran, apart from providing valuable medical
           relief to the poor of the town, placed » sufficient sum of
           money at the disposal of the locsl A*I.R. cub-committee to
           feed the destitute#. It wn* due to thi* help that a total
           of 75,CC0 destitute people were fed on "ash" for a period of
           five months.     In addition to this s l3rge quantity of tu^ar
           and tea (both in beverage and dry form) plus 1000 yard* of
           white cloth was distributed free among the poor people.

                   As the party of Mohammed Iluseiin TTswab and Mohammed
           Culsb-n suffered a complete defeat at the hand* of their rival
           pea*ty lea by Dr. Tar.iri ana 3oid Kszln Jalili during the 1943
           elections, tne former p«rty apparently axbundoned all further
           activities and consequently the political atmosphere      * a* on
           the whole undisturbed during the year u$der report.

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