Page 352 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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                  out tie year. The general opinion appeared to be that ho io
                  more intersoted in the affairs of other department;} than in hia
                  own cnu reports hive been received to the effect that he io in
                  the h*bit of disclosing the contents of telegrams to interested
                  persons before delivery to the adores^eea.
                     (j) Health Department
                         Dr. Ali Akbar Vakili heln the post of yedicul Officer
                  Kerman, uurina the ye?r*   !.:eny steps were taken und grest
                  interest shown by ell the Hospitals in respect of the treatment
                  of the poor. Tv;o new Hospitals were opened in Kerman ar.a Raf-
                  sinjon for them, c-nd the Ustandar mace many attests to r^ise
                  funds for their treatment. Ho epidemics were reported during
                  the year, xhough there were a fair number of cases of whooping
                  cough 3mong children. Venereal deseeses continued to be the
                  most prevalent, but cures on anything but 3 small scale v.ere
                  himcered by the scercity of essential drugs ana the failure
                  of the authorities in persuading patients to attend a full
                  course of treatment.
                     (k) luir.icipslity.
                             Hazirzaaeh held the post of Chief of the Kerman
                  municipality till the end of June, when he was appointed
                  Assistant to the Director General of Finance. In October,
                  when the authorities in Tehran disapproved this appointment
                  and ordered his transfer from the Finance Department, he
                  returned to his former post in the municipality.     On November
                  £nd be/ received orders of transfer and went to Tehran, his
                  place in the municipality being taken by L'r. Arbaci, who he la
                  charge for the remainder of the year. After Artubi's
                  assumption of charge, the .ff*irs of the i;unideality suffered
                  a steady deterioration.    In consideration of l^rge sums of
                  r.-oney reported to have been paid tc him in bribes, the control
                  on the *3le ci many essential commodities wss lifted, vith
                  the result teat Black market prices scared upwards &nu were at
                  a very high level at the ena of the year.
                     (1) Gendarmerie
                         Colonel Zawcoh held the post of Officer Cou^enaing,
                  Gendarmerie, till the 15th June, when Colonel iJr.ebivi returned
                  from Tehran to resume charge* During the yeer, the Gendar­
                  merie retained their rej-utetion of being notoriously corrupt
                  end inefficient, enu were quite unequal to the task of dealing
                  effectively y/ith lawlessness. They made little attempt to
                  improve the insecure state of the reads in the Province, which
                  was not surprising, in view of the reports that they have
                  actually connived with the b-ndits end shared the proceeds
                  of the robberies. In some instances robbers on the Kerman -
                  Bander Abbas road are said to have obtained receipts from their
                  victims for the cash ana valuables they hud removed from them
                  in order tc safeguard themselves fren excessive d ez^nds for
                  "rake-off" made by the local Gendarmerie.
                         To add to the general disorder, relations between the
                 ITilitory and Gendarmerie deteriorated rapidly. While the
                  i^ilitary accu&ed the Gendarmerie of inactivity and connivance
                  with the oanait*, the Gendarmes accused the former of non­
                 cooperation ana said tfcst they had neither the eruo, transport
                 nor reserves to deal with the situation with any effect.
                     (m) Industry.
                         Carpets.   Due to a sharp rise in the prices of dyes and

                                                                     wool /-
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